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Rural Cancer Workgroup

  • 23 Feb 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Zoom

 Rural Cancer Workgroup

The Iowa Rural Cancer Network was created in 2020 as an opportunity to engage Critical Access Hospitals on timely topics in rural cancer


Our purpose is to increase quality care throughout the cancer continuum in rural Iowa. Workgroup members represent non-profit organizations, businesses, government, academia, elected officials, health care systems, survivors and caregivers. Our goal is to convene the workgroup routinely to share resources, network, engage with rural experts, and find collective solutions to the complex challenges that prevent individuals from accessing and utilizing cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and quality of life services across rural regions of the state.


Workgroup participation is open to anyone with an interest in reducing the burden of cancer in Iowa.


Meetings are held every other month on the third Thursday from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. using virtual meeting software accessible via phone, mobile device and/or computer. Agenda items to include: A reminder of committee charter/purpose; capacity-building focused on the collective; updates on action items; planning and discussion; Consortium updates; and networking (where applicable).

Join Zoom Meeting

Time: Feb 23, 2023 10:00AM Central Time (US and Canada) 

 Meeting ID: 981 5845 5443

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