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Childhood Cancer and the Environment Webinar

  • 22 Aug 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Virtual, Registration Required


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The Iowa Cancer Consortium will host Dr. Nikki Wood, DO, a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Physician and Physician Informaticist at Children’s Mercy Kansas City, on Tuesday, August 22, at 1pm CDT.

Dr. Wood is the Mid-America Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (MA-PEHSU) champion for the pediatric oncology clinical education supplement (POCES) project.

The objectives of this supplemental project are to:

  • develop and conduct trainings to increase capacity of pediatric hematology and oncology providers to respond to parents and community questions about environmental chemicals associated with childhood cancer
  • understand the approaches taken to identify cancer clusters (and limitations in identifying a causative agent in a true cancer cluster)
  • provide appropriate risk reduction to families concerned about potential exposures

Dr. Wood will share information on environmental causes of pediatric cancers and tools clinicians can use to learn more and better communicate with families regarding environmental exposures and risk reduction strategies. While content is geared towards pediatric oncology providers, all interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Please email Caroline Powell ( with any questions.

Zoom information provided with registration confirmation. 

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